Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year... New life!

So normally when a new year starts I don't really care. I don't set goals, I don't try new things, I don't change anything. Maybe I'm afraid of change. Well, I am ready to put that all behind me and start new this year. I have to change! There are things in my life that I just can't put off any longer. So I am going to share them with you... all my goals... some hopes and wants... but mostly things that I have to do. I want to become a better person. When I die... I want people to think that I was the nicest, funniest best wife, mom, and friend. Not that all that can happen in a year, and I'm hoping I don't die this year.So hear it goes!!! Hopefully I will remember to keep updating about my goals. Whether it is by complaints, accomplishments, or pleas of HELP! So I don't know how many It will be, I am just going to type. Don't read it if you don't want to, this is mostly for me, and oh how it helps to share it!!!

1. Read the Book of Mormon all the way through
2. Pray more earnestly
3. Read the Ensign each month (all the way through)
4. Do something nice for someone every day
5. Sing in church at least 3 times this year
6. Learn 5 songs on the piano
7. Learn LOTS more about PCOS
8. Lose 60 Ibs or more (about 1 Ib a week)
9. Replace one unhealthy food in my diet for a daily cup of vegetables
10. Replace another unhealthy food in my diet for a daily cup of fruit
11. Exercise for more than 30 min. daily
12. Apologize to Ethen when I am wrong (even if I don't want too)
13. Serve Ethen when I am mad at him
14. Read 5 books this year
15. Organize my craft room (and keep it organized)
16. Gain a new talent
17. Strengthen and old talent
18. Shave my legs at least every other week (instead of once every month)
19. Make a new friend or two
20. Double my temple attendance
21. Play more with Toby
22. Help Toby to strengthen his talents
23. Get to know my sister-in-law better
24. Blog more
25. Be more positive about my appearance
26. Magnify my calling
27. Call my dad more just to bug him
28. Write a letter every month to some one that has been on my mind
29. Read scripture stories with Toby every day
30. Teach Toby the importance of prayer
31. Learn to sew
32. Learn to knit
33. Share my testimony more
34. Write in a daily journal
35. Write more in Toby's life journal
36. Show more love for my family
37. Keep up with the dishes
38. Keep up with the laundry
39. Overcome my fear of driving during the snowy winter

So that is all that I can think of for now. I know that I will be adding to the list through out the year. I know it's a lot but I hope I can knock them all down. Wish me luck. This year is going to be a great one. I am so excited to change and become better!!! Happy New Year!!! Good luck with all of your goals!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

wow awesome goals!!! I want to steal some(most)of them! Usually when the new year comes I have like 3 or four goals...and then I cant ever think of anymore...i wonder why. But these goals are way awesome! Good Luck Lady I know youll do great, youre already amazing!!